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How do I contact someone at South Dekalb Tribe?
Please visit our contact us page and fill out the form or email us at info@sdtribe.com
Where does South Dekalb Tribe practice?
Our practices are currently being held at Southeast Athletic Complex in Lithonia, Ga
Becoming Involved:
How can I become a coach with South Dekalb Tribe?
Please visit our “Join the Tribe” tab or email us at sd.tribe@yahoo.com
How can I become a sponsor for South Dekalb Tribe?
Please email us at info@sdtribe.com with the subject line “TRIBE SPONSOR”
How can I donate to South Dekalb Tribe?
Please visit our “DONATE” tab located on the top of our webpage
Players Involvement:
How are players selected to join the Tribe?
Tryouts are typically held in the month of July. For correspondence regarding tryouts please add us to your social media pages on Facebook (South Dekalb Tribe) & Instagram (@SDTribe). Also we will post the information on our website via our “TRYOUT” tab closer to the time of tryouts.
When are tryouts held for the Tribe?
Tryouts are typically held once in the summer (JULY). Please visit our “TRYOUT” tab to see when our next tryouts are being held.
What team age groups does the Tribe have?
Tribe baseball starts at age 4 and continues through high school.
I would like to play in a less competitive atmosphere. Are there any leagues that are for players just trying to have fun?
Yes, the Tribe may offer recreational opportunities from ages 3-8. All teams ages 9 and above will play competitive travel schedules.
How often will my team play?
Most recreational leagues games are held on most Saturdays and Travel teams schedules vary from week to week.
How will I find out if I was selected for the team?
The team coach or a Tribe administrator will reach out to you by phone or by email
What are the fees to participate in baseball with South Dekalb Tribe?
Team fees vary by age & league type. Once your youth has been accepted to join the Tribe, participation fees will be given 30 days prior to the start of the season.
When does the season begin and end?
Fall Ball is typically held from September – November and Spring/Summer seasons are typically held from March-June
Parent Involvement:
What is my responsibility as a parent?
As a parent you are responsible for getting your child to practices, games, and other team functions on time. Your other responsibilities include upholding the mission and vision of the Tribe, as well as adhering to the Tribe code of conduct